Siam Silver


Dracaena, also known as “Siam Silver”, is a relatively rare variety in the market. The ornamental value lies in the overlap of vertical bands, cream whites cross grey and green stripes. Both elegant and delicate, this plant appears beautiful even when alone. Beautify is further captured through the purity and simplicity of the planter - the colour white holds onto a moment of sudden silence, honouring the noble form of the Dracaena. Dracaena is also certified by NASA, proven to effectively remove formaldehyde and absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor gases.

Measurements: W 10cm x H 35 - 40cm x ø 9cm

暹羅銀虎尾蘭又名⽩斑虎尾蘭,是市場上比較罕⾒的品種。其觀賞價值在於銀⽩與淡綠⾊線條交疊⽽成的紋理,優雅中顯細膩。 當中的美源⾃於留⽩,有別⼀般群⽣的狀態,我們採⽤獨⽴的植株形式展⽰,植器猶如緊緊捉住那突如其來的寂靜,更突顯出虎尾蘭的⾼尚形態。 此外,虎尾蘭經美國太空總署認證可以「有效去除甲醛」及「吸收室內 80% 以上的有害氣體」,因此虎尾蘭亦有「空氣清新機」的綽號。

Order Info. 訂購須知:
Our team will contact you of delivery arrangement via Whatsapp within 48 hours.
Products will be shipped within 7 working days after the order is confirmed normally.



Dracaena, also known as “Siam Silver”, is a relatively rare variety in the market. The ornamental value lies in the overlap of vertical bands, cream whites cross grey and green stripes. Both elegant and delicate, this plant appears beautiful even when alone. Beautify is further captured through the purity and simplicity of the planter - the colour white holds onto a moment of sudden silence, honouring the noble form of the Dracaena. Dracaena is also certified by NASA, proven to effectively remove formaldehyde and absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor gases.

Measurements: W 10cm x H 35 - 40cm x ø 9cm

暹羅銀虎尾蘭又名⽩斑虎尾蘭,是市場上比較罕⾒的品種。其觀賞價值在於銀⽩與淡綠⾊線條交疊⽽成的紋理,優雅中顯細膩。 當中的美源⾃於留⽩,有別⼀般群⽣的狀態,我們採⽤獨⽴的植株形式展⽰,植器猶如緊緊捉住那突如其來的寂靜,更突顯出虎尾蘭的⾼尚形態。 此外,虎尾蘭經美國太空總署認證可以「有效去除甲醛」及「吸收室內 80% 以上的有害氣體」,因此虎尾蘭亦有「空氣清新機」的綽號。

Order Info. 訂購須知:
Our team will contact you of delivery arrangement via Whatsapp within 48 hours.
Products will be shipped within 7 working days after the order is confirmed normally.


Dracaena, also known as “Siam Silver”, is a relatively rare variety in the market. The ornamental value lies in the overlap of vertical bands, cream whites cross grey and green stripes. Both elegant and delicate, this plant appears beautiful even when alone. Beautify is further captured through the purity and simplicity of the planter - the colour white holds onto a moment of sudden silence, honouring the noble form of the Dracaena. Dracaena is also certified by NASA, proven to effectively remove formaldehyde and absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor gases.

Measurements: W 10cm x H 35 - 40cm x ø 9cm

暹羅銀虎尾蘭又名⽩斑虎尾蘭,是市場上比較罕⾒的品種。其觀賞價值在於銀⽩與淡綠⾊線條交疊⽽成的紋理,優雅中顯細膩。 當中的美源⾃於留⽩,有別⼀般群⽣的狀態,我們採⽤獨⽴的植株形式展⽰,植器猶如緊緊捉住那突如其來的寂靜,更突顯出虎尾蘭的⾼尚形態。 此外,虎尾蘭經美國太空總署認證可以「有效去除甲醛」及「吸收室內 80% 以上的有害氣體」,因此虎尾蘭亦有「空氣清新機」的綽號。

Order Info. 訂購須知:
Our team will contact you of delivery arrangement via Whatsapp within 48 hours.
Products will be shipped within 7 working days after the order is confirmed normally.




Dracaena, also known as “Siam Silver”, is a relatively rare variety in the market. The ornamental value lies in the overlap of vertical bands, cream whites cross grey and green stripes. Both elegant and delicate, this plant appears beautiful even when alone. Beautify is further captured through the purity and simplicity of the planter - the colour white holds onto a moment of sudden silence, honouring the noble form of the Dracaena. Dracaena is also certified by NASA, proven to effectively remove formaldehyde and absorb more than 80% of harmful indoor gases.

暹羅銀虎尾蘭又名⽩斑虎尾蘭,是市場上比較罕⾒的品種。其觀賞價值在於銀⽩與淡綠⾊線條交疊⽽成的紋理,優雅中顯細膩。 當中的美源⾃於留⽩,有別⼀般群⽣的狀態,我們採⽤獨⽴的植株形式展⽰,植器猶如緊緊捉住那突如其來的寂靜,更突顯出虎尾蘭的⾼尚形態。 此外,虎尾蘭經美國太空總署認證可以「有效去除甲醛」及「吸收室內 80% 以上的有害氣體」,因此虎尾蘭亦有「空氣清新機」的綽號。

Measurements 盆栽尺寸 :

W 10cm x H 35 - 40cm x ø 9cm



・Medium to high light environments are most suitable for plant growth.

・Recommend placing the plant by a window or on a balcony with good ventilation and exposure to light.




・The optimum temperature for growth is between 16 - 30 degrees.

・Not suitable for growth during the winter months, when temperatures fall below 8 degrees.




・Spring to Autumn is the plant’s optimum growing season. Water the plant only when the soil is completely dried up.

・Winter is the plant’s dormant period, reduce the frequency of watering during this period.




・Apply slow-release / liquid fertiliser once every two months, during Spring and Autumn.

・Avoid fertilising during the Winter and when flowering.



All plants come with a comprehensive care guide.

Swiss Cheese
Fortune Tree